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Peter Lewis: Salzburg - City of Culture - Taschenbuch

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As the seat of prince-bishops it found wealth and power, as the birthplace of Mozart it found fame, and as a festival city it found its purpose and destiny. But can today’s Salzburg really be described by anything more than music and majestic baroque architecture?
Hubert Nowak, who lived and worked in Salzburg for many years, sets out to find the lesser-known side of the city. Leaving the festival district, he plunges into the atmospheric old quarter and places known only to natives - and often not even to them.
Through the stories of those who visited the city over the centuries, he gives the reader a fresh perspective and gives the old city new life. Salzburg: A City of Culture is essential reading for anyone interested in visiting the city.

Höhe 17 mm
Anzahl Seiten 140
Autor Peter Lewis
Verlag Haus Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
Eigengewicht 279 g
ISBN 9781909961685
Medium Taschenbuch