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Genomics and Society Ethical, Legal-Cultural, and Socioeconomic Implications is the first book to address the vast and thorny web of ELSI topics identified as core priorities of the NHGRI in 2011.

The work addresses fundamental issues of biosociety and bioeconomy as the revolution in biology moves from research lab to healthcare system.

Of particular interest to healthcare practitioners, bioethicists, and health economists, and of tangential interest to the gamut of applied social scientists investigating the societal impact of new medical paradigms, the work describes a myriad of issues around consent, confidentiality, rights, patenting, regulation, and legality in the new era of genomic medicine.

Höhe 27 mm
Anzahl Seiten 0
Verlag Academic Press
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
Eigengewicht 1088 g
ISBN 9780124201958
Medium gebunden
Herstellerinfo <p>...provides a remarkably broad overview of its [genomics´] implications in various sectors of the society, ranging from questions on how clinical genetics services may contribute to the empowerment of patients to questions about economic assessment of these genetic services and biotechnological applications. <b>--European Journal of Human Genetics</b></p>